clouds, the plane, the sun-4589586.jpg



What does quiet look, feel, or how does it sound?

When it is hushed in the house, is it quiet when I can still hear the air conditioning or the refrigerator sound?

Can it just feel quiet after the fussy baby is finally sleeping, and I grab 10 minutes to myself? Or after I have put the other children to bed? Maybe read a book and soak in the tub?

Or is it quiet when I lay down and my mind is not resting? Did I lock the door, did I pay the bill, what am I wearing to work, cooking for dinner, etc.?

Quiet is when the storm is raging around me, and I remember Psalm 107:28-31 NLT:

28 “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
    and he saved them from their distress.
29 He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.
30 What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor!
31 Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.

Yes, quiet is when I turn it over to Jesus. Only He calms my storms when I cry for help! Only He can give inner peace! Only then do I feel quiet before the Lord! Because only then am I able to hear His voice!

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